I'm not going to comment on the animals or the jungle, as that what they are. Completely shallow programs running on autopilot. Nothing deep there. I prefer to dig deeper and use my human mind. This blog is not for non-believers. It's not for wild pleasure seeking rat racers. It's not in place to satisfy the empty pursuits of brainwashed followers of foolishness. This is a blog for the thinking man. Some folks think that the top is where the light shines on them. Where they are being honored with illusionary royalties. They make me sick as do their hedonistic heathen dens. Good people are trying to be good and trying to be better, not wading in their immaturity. Good people use their minds constructively, constantly, for the betterment of mankind. Those ones are safe from calamity as they are the Kings favorites. He loves them and He needs them more than anything else in the world. I see millions of people being completely controlled. I was one of them. They aim for wickedness. It rules over them. They are focused on their own demise, and they love it. Screw that. It's foul. Get that shit out of my face. What will happen with us all? Children are so pure, bred by zombies, to be zombies. There's no hope for so many. They were born to fail. The news is negative. Who the hell wants that? It's a darn shame. We could be living in joy. Total joy. Goodnight.